Thursday, January 22, 2015

Publish an RDP Server on an Alternate Port TMG Firewall

Publish an RDP Server on an Alternate Port TMG Firewall

I create my own environment using Hyper-V, I create 3 virtual machines: Domain Controller, ForeFront TMG and Windows client.

On the ForeFront TMG VM I installed 2 network cards internal (LAN) and external (WAN)

For example let's say that my WAN address will be: and my LAN address will be:

I add the ForeFront TMG VM to the my domain. My domain controller is

So we will create a Firewall rule to grant an RDP access through a port we choose, let's begin:

Open the TMG firewall console and click "Firewall Policy" in the left pane of the console. 

Click the Tasks tab in the Task Pane and then click "Publish Non-Web Server Protocols".

The New Server Publishing Rule Wizard launches. Type in the name of the rule you want to create. Click Next.

On the Select Server page, enter the IP address of the server that you are publishing. In this

example, we’ll enter the IP address of windows client Click Next.

On the Select Protocol page, choose the protocol you want to publish. In this case, we’ll select "RDP (Terminal Services)" Server from the Selected Protocol drop-down list. Click Next.

Now, click on"Ports"
Select the "Publish on this port instead of the default port". We will choose port "6000"

On the Network Listener IP Addresses page, We will choose "External".

Click on "Address" to specified the WAN address.

Click "Finish"

Apply the rule

Now, let's check if we have access to Windows client VM through the WAN address and the port. Open "mstsc", tape the WAN address and the port.

We are successfully connected.

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